9 Months old!!!! I can't believe it!!!! Marshall and Ros have developed so much.
Updates on Marshall:
*Got his first two teeth about 6 hours apart on Labor Day (September 1). He spiked a 103 temp while those buggers were coming in.
*Cruises like a little mad man. I don't know how to put video on here, so if I figure it out one day, I will post some vids. He probably could walk, but is still a little apprehensive. He spends a large part of his day standing with no support or cruising along the couches, chairs, exersaucers and so on.
*Has a GREAT sense of humor. He loves to scream at the top of his lungs to make his sister laugh.
*Is still very ticklish. We just love that little laugh as it is so hearty.
*Is sleeping better at night. He still wakes up 1-2 times, but his crying is not as intense. It used to be like he was STARVING with no food in sight.
*LOVES, LOVES, LOVES music. When he hears music, or anything resembling, he will dance. THIS. IS. TOOOOOO. CUTE!!!!!
*Does this funny thing where he's sitting and starts bouncing so much that he can go from sitting to crawling in a bounce. Sometimes it looks like he can go straight from sitting to bouncing to standing with no support from his hands. It's hilarious.
*Is extremely verbal. He says his "p" and "b" sounds, "dada" and other vowel sounds. And...most recently, he said..........."mama."
*Is gnawing on a binkie right now because he has a few more teeth coming in.
Updates on Roslind:
*Still could earn an advanced degree in the art of fighting sleep. Now, when she gets sleepy, she just moves, moves and moves. It's quite entertaining and she's in her crib doing it right now.
*Rubs her eyes when she is sleepy.
*Has 6, yes 6 teeth. Two on the bottom and four on the top. The funny story is that she got her two "vampire" teeth and then the two front teeth. It was hilarious seeing her with two teeth on the outside on top and on the inside on the bottom.
*Crawls REALLY fast when Marshall is chasing her.
*Is ticklish under her arms.
*Likes to "study" people and things. It takes a while before she warms up to people.
*LOVES to spit and do raspberries. She can spit for minutes on end.
*Is saying the same consonant sounds as Marshall. Can say "mama" as also.
We are enjoying life so much with these two little angels. I used to think it was ridiculous when people said, "I don't even remember what life was like before I had children." I don't think it's so ridiculous now because life pre-M and R is blurry. Of course, J and I enjoyed the eight years of marriage we had together before Marshall and Ros were born, but this parenting experience has really shined a larger light on life. We are so thankful to God for this blessing.
On to some pics...
Daddy and the angels!!!
Ros in her lion towel after a nice warm bath!
Marshall and that beautiful smile-trying to avoid going to sleep!
Wow Have they ever grown! I'm so glad I decided to pop by and see how everyone is doing. Thanks for the update
WOW!!!!!!!! They are getting so big and as always they are so beautiful. I can not believe it has been that long.
OMG, April! I've been away for so long!!!! I can't believe everything that I've missed. Twins!!!!! And they are so beautiful. I'm so happy for you.
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