Sunday, September 28, 2008

9 Months Old!!!!

9 Months old!!!! I can't believe it!!!! Marshall and Ros have developed so much.

Updates on Marshall:

*Got his first two teeth about 6 hours apart on Labor Day (September 1). He spiked a 103 temp while those buggers were coming in.

*Cruises like a little mad man. I don't know how to put video on here, so if I figure it out one day, I will post some vids. He probably could walk, but is still a little apprehensive. He spends a large part of his day standing with no support or cruising along the couches, chairs, exersaucers and so on.

*Has a GREAT sense of humor. He loves to scream at the top of his lungs to make his sister laugh.

*Is still very ticklish. We just love that little laugh as it is so hearty.

*Is sleeping better at night. He still wakes up 1-2 times, but his crying is not as intense. It used to be like he was STARVING with no food in sight.

*LOVES, LOVES, LOVES music. When he hears music, or anything resembling, he will dance. THIS. IS. TOOOOOO. CUTE!!!!!

*Does this funny thing where he's sitting and starts bouncing so much that he can go from sitting to crawling in a bounce. Sometimes it looks like he can go straight from sitting to bouncing to standing with no support from his hands. It's hilarious.

*Is extremely verbal. He says his "p" and "b" sounds, "dada" and other vowel sounds. And...most recently, he said..........."mama."

*Is gnawing on a binkie right now because he has a few more teeth coming in.

Updates on Roslind:

*Still could earn an advanced degree in the art of fighting sleep. Now, when she gets sleepy, she just moves, moves and moves. It's quite entertaining and she's in her crib doing it right now.

*Rubs her eyes when she is sleepy.

*Has 6, yes 6 teeth. Two on the bottom and four on the top. The funny story is that she got her two "vampire" teeth and then the two front teeth. It was hilarious seeing her with two teeth on the outside on top and on the inside on the bottom.

*Crawls REALLY fast when Marshall is chasing her.

*Is ticklish under her arms.

*Likes to "study" people and things. It takes a while before she warms up to people.

*LOVES to spit and do raspberries. She can spit for minutes on end.
*Is saying the same consonant sounds as Marshall. Can say "mama" as also.

We are enjoying life so much with these two little angels. I used to think it was ridiculous when people said, "I don't even remember what life was like before I had children." I don't think it's so ridiculous now because life pre-M and R is blurry. Of course, J and I enjoyed the eight years of marriage we had together before Marshall and Ros were born, but this parenting experience has really shined a larger light on life. We are so thankful to God for this blessing.

On to some pics...

Daddy and the angels!!!

Ros in her lion towel after a nice warm bath!

Marshall and that beautiful smile-trying to avoid going to sleep!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

6.5 Months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are still checking in on this defunct blog, please leave a comment as I'm interested in blogging again now that we have something resembling order in our household:)

Marshall and Roslind are growing like weeds. They are 6.5 months now and so much has changed.


*weighed 13 lbs, 12 oz at his 6 month checkup

*loves eating jar foods

*will play at the drop of a dime

*is trying very hard to crawl

* is teething, but none yet

*imitates well (beat boxing, monster sounds, yawning, etc.) I might add that he made up the monster sounds.

*has LOTS of energy

*is easy to put to sleep

*is extremely ticklish

*LOVES books and squeals when we take them out

*listens to the stories from beginning to end

*can sit up on his own, but keeps his arms extended outwards to balance- still needs a little assistance in this area

*laughs like he is being tickled EVERY time we take off his onesie

*cries EVERY time we put a onesie on

*LOVES, LOVES, LOVES bath time

*usually anything within five feet is soaked by the time he finishes:)


*weighed 14lbs, 3 oz at her 6 month checkup

*loves to be talked to

*loves books

*can sit up on her own and prefers that over any other position

*loves a bottle and gets excited when she sees one (whether she's hungry or not)

*likes jar food (no loving it, but she'll eat-when she feels like it)

*prefers veggies (loves sweet potatoes and squash)

*is not ticklish

*is easy to make laugh

*could get an advanced degree in fighting her sleep

*has TWO teeth on the bottom that cut through exactly one week apart (one today (7/20), one last Sunday(7/13))

*took getting those two teeth like an absolute champ- no fevers, diarrhea or excessive fussiness

*likes it when I call her a "seeeelllly (silly) goose"

*is trying very hard to crawl

*loves singing

*likes reading and will listen to stories through the end

All right- a couple of pics!
Roslind adoring her big brother:)

Marshall: I'm ready to play now. Oh wait, we never stopped playing? OK, I'm ready to KEEP playing!!!Roslind: I'm a big girl now. I can sit up all by myself. Although, I do appreciate a boppy behind me in case I get tired.Daddy and the tykes!!!!I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Where Oh Where Did That Cute Smile Go?

This will be a short post, but has lots of cute pics. Roslind discovered her smile this week. Marshall discovered that he LOVES the camera!!! Both babies are doing well and growing like little weeds.

Storytime with daddy. Notice how intently Marshall is looking at the pictures. He stayed this way throughout the entire story.

Marshall loving the camera!!!

The twins reading a story with daddy!!!

Marshall in his carseat.
Trying to hold his bottle.

Lovin' that camera from the Boppy pillow!

Resting with daddy:)
Roslind striking a pose. She's very sleepy in this picture.
Discovering her smile...

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm playing with the formatting, so things look a little off.
That's it for now folks. Come back again soon!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Two Months Old

Wow! Life is moving so quickly. We're taking time to stop and smell the roses each day along the way. So what's new in our household?

The twins are two months today!!!!! They had their two month checkup today and both received five, count them, FIVE shots!!!! We were prepared for four, but not five. Ok, so I realize that there's not that much difference, but watching 10 needles go into your babies in a matter of minutes is excruciating. They were absolute troopers though and the nurse was fantastic. I asked her if she was quick before she gave the shots and her reply was, "After 35 years, I'm the best!" That was reassuring. And she was. They are both now on the physical development curves in terms of growth and were given clean bills of health. They still have a few areas, such as weight, to continue gaining, but they are making adequate and appropriate growth.

When we got home today they were both still sleeping peacefully. HOWEVER, when they both woke up, they were screaming!!!! They were in so much pain. We gave them infant Tylenol and within minutes they were peacefully sleeping. This wonderfully weird thing happens when you become a parent. When your children experience any pain, you wish and pray that you can feel the pain yourself instead of them. Somehow the wishing and praying doesn't ever work with regards to this and seeing your children in pain, hurts- just not physically. Jermaine and I both just stroked their backs and whispered in their ears until the pain subsided. Next time, they'll get the Tylenol 30 minutes before. You live and learn.

You're probably wanting some stats on the twins. How much do they weigh? What do they like/dislike? Well, keep reading...

is weighing in at 8lbs, 4oz and is 20 inches long
is starting to smile and show excitement when we play with him
can track objects and faces like nobody's business
is eating like a madman (2-4 oz )
wakes up like a siren alarm clock every hour and a half to two hours to eat
has a pudgy little face
is catching up to Roslind in size
started breastfeeding last week (thanks Kristan!)
loves being held while he's asleep (but does very well when not being held also)
loves being talked to even more
loves bath time
is starting to grow out of some of his preemie clothes
wore his first non-preemie outfit to church last Sunday
is discovering his vocal chords can be used for making other sounds besides crying (just a little at this point)
can grasp a toy/object if placed in his hand
is the apple of our eye

is weighing in at 8lbs, 12 oz and is 20 inches long
is still a diva but has mellowed quite a bit
can sleep for four hours at a time or longer if we'd let her
is getting really long hair
started breastfeeding last week (thanks Kristan!!!)
has been growing out of her clothes
LOVES being held at ANY time
won't go to sleep unless rocked and cuddled (hey- we're enjoying it because we know it won't last long)
has slowed down in her eating (1.5-3 oz)
can track faces and objects really well
started enjoying baths this week- hates being undressed though
can grasp a toy/object if placed in her hand
can move from one place to another- we're still not sure how this happens because she mainly does it while we're all sleeping. Example, we'll place her in the middle of the bed at bedtime and somehow she'll end up right next to me by the time we awaken
is the apple of our eye

We went on our first road trip a few weeks ago and the twins did really well. We went to visit our family in Iowa and had a great time. We also had our first play date with Kristan and Emory last week and had a really great time. Wow, as I type this, I realize they have had lots of "firsts" since we last posted.

We're so blessed that both babies are doing so well. We're also blessed that so many people in this world have been praying for them.

On to some pics- there are lots!!!! I'll warn you- they're not sequential- AT ALL!!!!

Did I mention that I'm still madly in love with our niece Caydence? Here she is giving uncle 'Maine some advice on his clothing line.

Caydence and Tee Tee April
Grandma Sullivan with Marshall and Ros
Marshall looking up to daddy and trying to stand up.
Ros in the Boppy pillow after a nice warm drink:) LOL!!!
Grandma showing off her skills at feeding both babies at once. I barely have that skill.
Ros stylin' and profilin'

Grandma with Caydence, Marshall and Roslind

Visiting with Auntie Lecesha and Uncle Joe who came out in subzero weather to meet their niece and nephew

Ros snuggling up to Auntie Cesha. Or is it the other way around?
Caydence trying to rip off Tee Tee's necklace

Caydence: "Hey, I used to be that small." Roslind: "Are we almost finished taking pics because I'm bored with that flashing thingy?"

Uncle Quincey cuddling with Ros
Mommy and Marshall showing off our matching colors
Auntie Cesha and Ros showing off their matching colors

Mmmmm.... mommy loves Marshall kisses (say that fast seven times)
All I have to say is that we didn't pose them like this
Look ma, I can hold my bottle!!! I'm a big boy!!!

Marshall and Ros napping in sleepers Grandma bought them. He is not as small as it seems in this picture- it's just the angle.
Peaceful little angel x 1
Peaceful little angel x 2
Does this need words? Totally candid!
Nestled securely in daddy's arms

Unfortunately, this go around, we didn't get any pics with Tee Tee Tamara, but we'll make sure to do so next time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We're Baaaaack!!!!

Sorry we haven't done such a great job updating this blog. For some strange reason, we've found ourselves to be quite busy. Hmmmm....

Very quickly, here are the updates:

  • As most of you know, both babies are home. Marshall was released from the hospital on, Wednesday, January 16 weighing in at exactly 4lbs!!! When the doctors completed their rounds on Monday of that week, I told the attending physician that we were going home by Friday. He chuckled and asked me if that was so and I told him yes. The doctor said that when Marshall hit 1800 grams (approximately 4lbs) that he'd be ready to go home as long as he continued eating well and maintained his temps. Marshall weighed 1720 on Monday. On Tuesday, he weighed 1775 and on Wednesday... he weighed 1815!!! I told the nurse to go ahead and page the doctor because we were going home that day. She told me that it wasn't quite that simple and I told her to figure out how to make it that simple because we were leaving that day. After she left, I packed all of Marshall's and my things and just waited for the docs to come and do their rounds. When they came, I reminded the doctor that he said when Marshall hit 1800 he could go home. I showed him the chart we'd been keeping on his feedings, weight and temps and he gave the ok for Marshall to be discharged!!!! It's amazing how claiming something often makes it happen. Jermaine, our family and I were all claiming that Marshall would not be in the hospital beyond that Friday!

  • Our first few weeks home have been exhilirating and exhausting all at once. Jermaine and I are enjoying each day for the blessings within and are not interested in rushing anything at all. We often marvel at the blessing that God has given us. I wasn't aware that I could stare at anything or anyone for so long:)

  • Both babies had their two week checkup. Roslind weighed 6lbs, 7 oz and Marshall weighed exactly 5 lbs. It's almost two weeks later and Ros weighs 7lbs 3oz and Marshall weighs 6lbs, 14 oz. He's definitely catching up. The pediatrician told us that they are eating about twice as much as babies normally do at their size and age. She said it's ok though because they are still in the "catch up stage" which is the time between when they were born and their actual due date (which was Thursday, by the way). We've been reading about developmental milestones in this book my mom bought us (thanks, Mom) and they are meeting about 90% of the milestones for 5 week old babies. This is a cause for celebration because with their adjusted age, we shouldn't technically be looking at milestones until after tomorrow and beginning at week 1, not 5. In order to get their "adjusted age" you subtract the number of weeks early (6 in this case) from the number of weeks they actually are. For example, a 12 week old baby who was born 4 weeks early would have an adjusted age of 8 weeks so those are the milestones you'd expect to see baby making. I hope that makes sense.

  • Their little personalities are really developing. Marshall has become our family alarm clock. He wakes up (lungs fully engaged) every two hours almost on the dot. It actually makes Jermaine and me laugh at how timely he is. We figure that means he'll be punctual later on in life. Roslind is still quite the diva. There aren't many times of the day when she isn't naturally posing. Her temperament has mellowed quite a bit though. That is as long as she gets what she wants and when she wants it. Just kidding.

  • Enough words already, let's get to some pics!!! Thank you all for all of your prayers. They surely helped bring our babies home sooner. And the docs thought they'd be in the hospital until their original due date. Humph!!!
Roslind sitting in daddy's lap. I think she was telling us to turn the lights down so she can get her beauty rest. She was still in the hospital in this picture. The hat that is clearly too big in this picture, now fits her head nice and SNUGLY.

Didn't I tell you that I'm a real cool cat? Wait, why is this binkie half the size of my head?

Marshall being TOO adorable sitting in his carseat. Again, being mellow and just waiting for us to leave.

The twins lying on mommy's chest.

Ros getting adjusted in her carseat. Again, she'd just rather be left to soaking up some beauty zzzz's.

Daddy and Marshall spending some quality father-son time. What fine men I have:)

Mommy's little princess pondering whether she should stay awake for this picture or not.

The twins sitting in mommy's lap. They often find each other's hands and touch. It always warms our hearts.

The twins sleeping in their pack and play. Roslind: Marshall, I have something to tell you. Marshall: Ahhh, just let me sleep already!!!

This is mommy's favorite picture of Marshall. He's sitting in his boppy pillow. Look at those beautiful eyes.

Are we back in the womb?

Perhaps they are both considering a career in modeling:) LOL!!!

Sweetie Pie!!!!

Completely organic! They already love each other tremendously.

Who me???

The two most important men in my life- making my heart melt:)